




2024/06/30Call for paper of Galaxea: in Memory of Dr. Tamotsu Oomori (JCRS英文誌)大森保先生追悼特集号 締切延長について




  琉球大学理学部海洋自然科学科 藤村弘行

Dear Members of JCRS

My name is Hiroyuki Fujimura of University of the Ryukyus.
The deadline for the call for manuscripts for the special issue in memory of Dr Tamotsu Omori (Professor Emeritus, University of the Ryukyus), which was previously announced to you with this mailing list, has been extended until 30 September 2024.
We welcome submissions from many people who have thought about submitting but have given up in time or are considering taking this opportunity to do so.

We are pleased to announce the call for manuscripts once again.

Hiroyuki Fujimura


特集号タイトル:Chemistry on Coral Reef: in Memory of Dr. Tamotsu Oomori

1. 概要

2. 編集者
深見裕伸 宮崎大学農学部海洋生物環境学科(英文誌編集長)
藤村 弘行 琉球大学理学部海洋自然科学科(和文誌副編集長)
土岐 知弘 琉球大学理学部海洋自然科学科(ゲストエディター)

3. 編集スケジュール
最終原稿の査読完了2024年11月30日(予定) 受理原稿は随時J-STAGEで公開
2025年 Galaxea冊子体に収録(特集号または通常号の特集セクションとして)

4. 原稿執筆要項
原稿区分は、Original paper、Note、Dataset、Review articleとし、本誌のINSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORSに従う。通常原稿と同様に査読審査を行う。
投稿時のタイトルにSpecial issue- Chemistry Tamotsuと明記し、cover letterにもわかるようにすること。

Galaxea Special Issue in Memory of Dr. Tamotsu Omori

Special Issue Title:
Chemistry on Coral Reefs: in Memory of Dr. Tamotsu Oomori

1. Abstract
Dr. Tamotsu Omori passed away in July 2022 after 38 years of researching coral reefs and geochemical phenomena around Okinawa at the University of the Ryukyus. We are planning a special issue in honor of Dr. Omori, who was involved in the Japanese Coral Reef Society since its establishment and continued to support the society as a councilor during the period of its voluntary association. The content of this special issue is to commemorate Dr. Omori by soliciting topics related to coral reefs from a wide range of people who had contact with Dr. Omori before his death.

Hironobu Fukami, Department of Marine Biology and Environment, Faculty of Agriculture, Miyazaki University (Chief Editor of Galaxea)
Hiroyuki Fujimura, Department of Marine Science and Technology, Faculty of Science, University of the Ryukyus (Deputy Editor-in-Chief of JCRS Japanese journal)
Tomohiro Toki, Department of Marine Science and Technology, Faculty of Science, University of the Ryukyus (Guest Editor)
In case many manuscripts are collected or in the case of a field other than chemistry, the regular members of the Editorial Board will be asked to handle the submitted manuscript through the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Galaxea.

3. Editorial Schedule
Manuscript submission: in progress
Manuscript deadline: Extended to September 30, 2024
Review of final manuscripts completed: November 30, 2024 (Expected)
Accepted manuscripts will be published online (J-STAGE) as soon as they are ready after final proofreading.
Accepted manuscripts will be included in the Galaxea printed volume in 2025 as a special issue or a special section of the regular issue.

4. Manuscript Writing Guidelines
Manuscripts should be either on a coral reef-related topic by someone who had interacted with Dr. Tamotsu Omori, or on a chemical topic of coral reefs.
Manuscripts should be classified as “Original paper”, “Note”, “Dataset”, or “Review article”, and should follow the INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS of this journal. Manuscripts will be reviewed in the same manner as regular manuscripts.
In the subject line of the submission e-mail, please indicate “Special issue- Chemistry Tamotsu”. Also, please indicate this in the cover letter.





  • サンゴ礁ウィーク2024 実施報告
  • サンゴ礁関連施設探訪
  • サンゴ礁研究ハイライト
  • お知らせ




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