


来年1月にサンゴ礁リモートセンシングの本がSpringerから発行され、8月15日まで予約割引価格で販売されていますのでご案内差し上げます。空中写真・衛星可視近赤外画像(サンゴマッピング)、レーザー(水深)、音響(水深とサンゴマッピング)、熱赤外(水温)、 レーダー(波)に関して、基礎から応用、そして保全計画への活用が包括的に解説されています。



Coral Reef Remote Sensing: A Guide for Mapping, Monitoring and Management

JA GOODMAN, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez
SJ PURKIS, Nova Southeastern University
SR PHINN, University of Queensland

Section I – Photography, Multispectral and Hyperspectral

Chapter 1.  Visible and Infrared Overview
SR PHINN, University of Queensland
EJ HOCHBERG, Nova Southeastern University

Chapter 2.  Photography Application
S COCHRAN, United States Geological Survey

Chapter 3.  Multispectral Application
H YAMANO, National Institute for Environmental Studies

Chapter 4.  Hyperspectral Application
JD HEDLEY, University of Exeter

Section II – LiDAR

Chapter 5.  LiDAR Overview
SJ PURKIS, Nova Southeastern University
J BROCK, United States Geological Survey

Chapter 6.  LiDAR Application
S PITTMAN, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
T BATTISTA, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
B COSTA, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Chapter 7.  Integrated LiDAR and Hyperspectral

Section III – Acoustic

Chapter 8.  Acoustics Overview
B RIEGL, Nova Southeastern University

Chapter 9.  Acoustics Application
G FOSTER, Nova Southeastern University
A GLEASON, University of Miami
B COSTA, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
M KENDALL, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
C TAYLOR, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Chapter 10.  Deep Acoustics Application
T CORREA, University of Miami
G EBERLI, University of Miami
M GRASMUECK, University of Miami
K VERWER, University of Miami

Section IV – Thermal and Radar

Chapter 11.  Thermal and Radar Overview
S HERON, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
W SKIRVING, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Chapter 12.  Thermal Application
SJ WEEKS, University of Queensland
R BERKELMANS, Australian Institute of Marine Science
W SKIRVING, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Chapter 13.  Radar Application
ML HERON, James Cook University
WG PICHEL, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Section V – Effective Use in Science and Management

Chapter 14. Validation
C ROELFSEMA, University of Queensland
S PHINN, University of Queensland

Chapter 15. Time Series Analysis
SR PHINN, University of Queensland
J SCOPELITIS, University of Queensland

Chapter 16. Science and Management
SD JUPITER, WCS Science Director, Fiji
C ROELFSEMA, University of Queensland

