July 22, 2022JCRS Newsletter No.94 just released!
JCRS Newsletter No. 94 (in Japanese) is available on the web site. [password free]
- 25th JCRS annual meeting (on site)
- It’s time to fly
- Research Activities
- Research Highlight
- Information for APCRS
*If you are unable to view the file on your web browser, please save the file on your computer’s hard disk first and then open it.
May 6, 2022JCRS Newsletter No.93 just released!
JCRS Newsletter No. 93 (in Japanese) is available on the web site. [password free]
- Introduction: Research Activity of Tamagawa-Gakuen
- 25th JCRS annual meeting (virtual)
- Information for other related meeging
- Application for 2022 JCRS awards
- Research Highlight: The latest papers on coral reef studies in special issue of Frontiers in Marine Science
- Visiting Research center: Nagisa Aquarium in Yamaguchi prefecture
*If you are unable to view the file on your web browser, please save the file on your computer’s hard disk first and then open it.
February 10, 2022JCRS Newsletter No.92 just released!
JCRS Newsletter No. 92 (in Japanese) is available on the web site. [password free]
- Report of 24rd JCRS annual meeting
- Short messages from Awards winners
- Report of Poster presentation by elementary, junior and high school students
- Report of online events
- Report of Mini-workshop
- Report of Public symposium
- Message from JCRS President
*If you are unable to view the file on your web browser, please save the file on your computer’s hard disk first and then open it.
November 15, 2021JCRS Newsletter No.91 just released!
JCRS Newsletter No. 91 (in Japanese) is available on the web site. [password free]
- General announcement of 24th JCRS annual meeting
- Program of 24th JCRS annual meeting
- New Book Releases
*If you are unable to view the file on your web browser, please save the file on your computer’s hard disk first and then open it.
August 3, 2021JCRS Newsletter No.90 just released!
JCRS Newsletter No. 90 (in Japanese) is available on the web site. [password free]
- 24th JCRS annual meeting (ONLINE>
- Serialization: Voice of young JCRS member
- Message from Award winner
- Visiting the facility: Kuroshio Biological Research Foundation
- Serialization: The latest papers on coral reef studies
- Results of election on presidential candidate and councilors
*If you are unable to view the file on your web browser, please save the file on your computer’s hard disk first and then open it.
May 1, 2021JCRS Newsletter No.89 just released!
JCRS Newsletter No. 89 (in Japanese) is available on the web site. [password free]
- Report: Coral Week 2021
- Report: Symposiums
- Serialization: It’s Time to Fly -University of Queensland-
- 24th JCRS annual meeting (virtual)
- Book review: What happens to the Japanese sea due to global warming
- Book review: Marine conservation policy in Japan
- Serialization: The latest papers on coral reef studies
- Application for 2021 JCRS awards
*If you are unable to view the file on your web browser, please save the file on your computer’s hard disk first and then open it.
February 10, 2021JCRS Newsletter No.88 just released!
JCRS Newsletter No. 88 (in Japanese) is available on the web site. [password free]
- Report of 23rd JCRS annual meeting
- Short messages from Awards winners
- Reprt of online events
- Reprt of night sessions
- Reprt of poster presentation by elementary, junior and high school students
*If you are unable to view the file on your web browser, please save the file on your computer’s hard disk first and then open it.
November 10, 2020JCRS Newsletter No.87 just released!
JCRS Newsletter No. 87 (in Japanese) is available on the web site. [password free]
- General announcement of 23rd JCRS annual meeting
- Program of 23rd JCRS annual meeting
- Book review: Photo book-life with corals-
- Review: Recent shift in the idea of coral reef recovery
- Interview: Mobile media contents-The world without coral reefs-
*If you are unable to view the file on your web browser, please save the file on your computer’s hard disk first and then open it.
August 5, 2020JCRS Newsletter No.86 just released!
JCRS Newsletter No. 86 (in Japanese) is available on the web site. [password free]
- 23rd JCRS annual meeting (ONLINE>
- Exemption of 2020/2021 membership fee for student members
- Serialization: Voice of young JCRS member -AIST-
- Report: Online Seminar from Kikai Island
- Visiting the facility: the Kagoshima City Aquarium
- Serialization: It’s Time to Fly -Academia Sinca-
- Serialization: The latest papers on coral reef studies
*If you are unable to view the file on your web browser, please save the file on your computer’s hard disk first and then open it.
May 2, 2020JCRS Newsletter No.85 just released!
JCRS Newsletter No. 85 (in Japanese) is available on the web site. [password free]
- 23rd JCRS annual meeting at Ishigaki Is.
- Coral Reef Information Platform
- Formulation of copyright rules for “Journal of JCRS”
- Report: Coral Week 2020
- Serialization: The latest papers on coral reef studies
- Application for 2020 JCRS awards
*If you are unable to view the file on your web browser, please save the file on your computer’s hard disk first and then open it.