February 13, 2020JCRS Newsletter No.84 just released!
JCRS Newsletter No. 84 (in Japanese) is available on the web site. [password free]
- Message from new JCRS president
- Report of 22nd JCRS annual meeting
- Short messages from Awards winners
- Report of JCRS symposium, Memory of Corals
- Book review: Scientists at Palau Islands
*If you are unable to view the file on your web browser, please save the file on your computer’s hard disk first and then open it.
October 18, 2019JCRS Newsletter No.83 just released!
JCRS Newsletter No. 83 (in Japanese) is available on the web site. [password free]
- General announcement of 22nd JCRS annual meeting
- Program of 22nd anual JCRS meeting
- Book review: Aquarium with corals
- Serialization: The latest papers on coral reef studies
*If you are unable to view the file on your web browser, please save the file on your computer’s hard disk first and then open it.
July 31, 2019JCRS Newsletter No.82 just released!
JCRS Newsletter No. 82 (in Japanese) is available on the web site. [password free]
- Announcement: 22nd JCRS annual meeting at Sapporo
- Memorial writing: Dr. Tatsuo TAKAHASHI
- Report: Sango-map caravan
- Announcement: 14th ICRS
- Results of election on presidential candidate and councilors
- Serialization: The latest papers on coral reef studies
*If you are unable to view the file on your web browser, please save the file on your computer’s hard disk first and then open it.
April 25, 2019JCRS Newsletter No.81 just released!
JCRS Newsletter No. 81 (in Japanese) is available on the web site. [password free]
- Visiting the facility: Sango Yuntakukan Visitor Center
- Serialization: Voice of young JCRS member
- Report: Coral Week 2018
–Message from executive committee
–Activity by JCRS Young member group
–Activity at Miyazaki - Serialization: The latest papers on coral reef studies
- Announcement: 22nd JCRS annual meeting at Sapporo
- Announcement: Application for JCRS awards
*If you are unable to view the file on your web browser, please save the file on your computer’s hard disk first and then open it.
February 8, 2019JCRS Newsletter No.80 just released!
JCRS Newsletter No. 80 (in Japanese) is available on the web site. [password free]
- Report of JCRS 21st annual conference
- Short messages from Awards winners
- Announcement:Election of JCRS President and Councilors
- Announcement:status of JCRS mailing-list
- Serialization: The latest papers on coral reef studies
- Serialization: Voice of young JCRS member
*If you are unable to view the file on your web browser, please save the file on your computer’s hard disk first and then open it.
November 8, 2018JCRS Newsletter No.79 just released!
JCRS Newsletter No. 79 (in Japanese) is available on the web site. [password free]
- General announcement of 21st JCRS annual meeting
- Program of 21st anual JCRS meeting
- Participation Report:Science camp 2018 in Kikai Island
- Participation Report:Ocean Seminar 2018
- Participation Report:Symposium at 30th anniversary of Research Insitute of Marine Invertebrates
- Serialization: The latest papers on coral reef studies
*If you are unable to view the file on your web browser, please save the file on your computer’s hard disk first and then open it.
August 6, 2018JCRS Newsletter No.78 just released!
JCRS Newsletter No. 78 (in Japanese) is available on the web site. [password free]
- Announcement: 21st JCRS annual meeting at Naha
- Serialization:Voice of young JCRS member
- Book Review: Coral Reef Studies of Japan “Coral Reefs of the World” Vol. 13
- Report: Prospect of construction of local environmental certification system for conservation of coral reef ecosystem
- Report: Symposium, CORAL REEF CONSERVATION:Promotion Awareness Through Effective Communication
- Report: Participation on APCRS
- Report: Invitation to JpGU
- Serialization: The latest papers on coral reef studies
*If you are unable to view the file on your web browser, please save the file on your computer’s hard disk first and then open it.
April 28, 2018JCRS Newsletter No.77 just released!
JCRS Newsletter No. 77 (in Japanese) is available on the web site. [password free]
- Serial Column: Dr. Makoto Tsuchiya
- Visiting the facility: Scripps Institution of Oceanography
- Serialization:It’s Time to Fly! -National Taiwan Ocean Univ.-
- Report: Opening event, International Year of the Reef
- Report: Activity of Team Tyura-sango
- Report: Coral Week 2018 at Okinawa
–Activity of Coral Network
–Activity of JCRS Young member group
–Science cafe - Announcement: Launch of Education and Outreach Committee
- Serialization: The latest papers on coral reef studies
- Announcement: 21st JCRS annual meeting at Naha
- Announcement: Application for JCRS awards
*If you are unable to view the file on your web browser, please save the file on your computer’s hard disk first and then open it.
February 7, 2018JCRS Newsletter No.76 just released!
JCRS Newsletter No. 76 (in Japanese) is available on the web site. [password free]
- Report of JCRS 20th annual conference
- Short messages from Awards winners
- Report: Exhibition at Aquamarine Fukushima
- Congratulations! Message from a prize winner, Dr. Makoto Tsuchiya
- Report: Symposium on countermeasures against Acanthaster planci
- Announcement
*If you are unable to view the file on your web browser, please save the file on your computer’s hard disk first and then open it.
November 16, 2017JCRS Newsletter No.75 just released!
JCRS Newsletter No. 75 (in Japanese) is available on the web site. [password free]
- Message from New JCRS president
- Q & A for corporateization of JCRS
- Program of 20th anual JCRS meeting
- Book Review: Blue Carbon
- Report: Participation Report of the 2nd Young Scientists Summit
- Twenty Years History of JCRS with photography
*If you are unable to view the file on your web browser, please save the file on your computer’s hard disk first and then open it.