Activities of the Committee


April 25, 2017JCRS Newsletter No.73 just released!

NL73 cover page

JCRS Newsletter No. 73 (in Japanese) is available on the web site. [password free]

  • Report: Exhibition at UJSNH lecture meeting
  • Serialization:Voice of young JCRS member
  • Report: Coral Week 2017
  • Report: Meeting on implementation of Nagoya Protocol
  • Announcement: 20th JCRS annual meeting at Tokyo
  • Announcement: 2017 Councilors election
  • Serialization:It’s Time to Fly!
  • Serial Column: Dr. Makoto Tsuchiya


*If you are unable to view the file on your web browser, please save the file on your computer’s hard disk first and then open it.


February 1, 2017JCRS Newsletter No.72 just released!

NL72 cover page

JCRS Newsletter No. 72 (in Japanese) is available on the web site. [password free]

  • Report of JCRS 19th annual conference
  • Short messages from Awards winners
  • New Honorary member: Dr. Makoto Omori
  • Report: Japan-Israel Workshop
  • Report: Coral Transplantation Workshop
  • Serial Column: Dr. Makoto Tsuchiya
  • Conference minutes


*If you are unable to view the file on your web browser, please save the file on your computer’s hard disk first and then open it.


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