February 11, 2016JCRS Newsletter No.68 just released!
JCRS Newsletter No. 68 (in Japanese) is available on the web site. [password free]
- Report of JCRS 18th annual conference
- Short messages from 2015 JCRS Awards winners
- 13th ICRS Financial support by JCRS
- Conference minutes
*If you are unable to view the file on your web browser, please save the file on your computer’s hard disk first and then open it.
November 5, 2015JCRS Newsletter No.67 just released!
JCRS Newsletter No. 67 is available on the web site.[password is required]
- Scientific Program of JCRS 18th annual conference
- Serialization:It’s time to Fly!
- Serialization:Voice of young JCRS member
- Report (Kikai institute for coral reef sciences)
- Report (Science cafe at Tokyu hands)
*If you are unable to view the file on your web browser, please save the file on your computer’s hard disk first and then open it.