
JCRS 18th meeting

The Japanese Coral Reef Society, 18th Annual Conference

The 18th Annual Conference of the Japanese Coral Reef Society (JCRS18th) will be held on Nov. 26th to 29th, 2015 in Tokyo. We are making a plan to provide you with a new chance of “Theme Sessions,” specific sessions held in parallel, Nov. 29th (Sun). Within this framework you can have everything your own way to organize an interdisciplinary or a specialized session even with guest speakers of non JCRS members. Non JCRS members will be not charged with the registration fee if they join only at your session. We welcome many people to come to and enjoy a slightly different conference presented by the organizing committee including humanities and social sciences.


JCRS18 Organizing Committee
Chairperson: Toru YAMAGUCHI
Dept. Ethnology and Archaeology, Keio Univ.
Phone: +81-3-3453-4511
E-mail: jcrs18th@gmail.com

Organizing Members: Naoko MIYAMA, Hajime KAYANNE, Nobuko NAKAMURA, Satoshi TANAHASHI, Hiroya YAMANO, Nono SAYAMA, Kosuke DAI, Kentaro SHIMODA, Takashi TAKANO





South School Building (No.6 Building in the map) of Mita Campus, Keio University.
Campus Map:  http://www.keio.ac.jp/en/maps/mita.html


Important dates

July 24th (Fri), 17:00 (Japan Time).  Entry deadline of Theme Sessions; please access to the web ( http://goo.gl/forms/Dw5WwD4mNS ) and describe your information as a convener, the session title, the summary (less than 200 words), expected speakers’ information, and so on. (Closed)

August 3 (Mon), 10:00am (JT).  Pre-registration open for everyone expecting to join at this conference.

September 25 (Fri), 17:00 (JT).  Deadline for pre-registration and pre-registration fee payment.

October 15 (Thu)  Deadline for the submission of abstracts; please send by e-mail with PDF attachment).

November 26 (Thu) 1st day of the conference.

  AM: Council meeting;
  PM: Registration booth open;
  Night: Mini-workshops.(18:30-20:30)

November 27 (Fri) 2nd day of the conference.

  AM: Oral presentations;
  PM: Oral presentations;
  Night: Mini-workshops.(18:45-20:45)

November 28 (Fri) 3rd day of the conference.

  AM: Oral presentations and Poster presentations;
  PM: Oral presentations, Poster presentations, General Meeting, Award ceremony and Banquet.

November 29 (Sun) 4th day of the conference.

  AM: Oral presentations and “Theme Sessions”;
  PM: Special lectures of award winners, and public symposium “Corail Sauvage – The Encounter of coral studies with “Science Sauvage” (tentative).

The details will be announced by the JCRS mailing list and on the JCRS web site.


Program is available here.

Oral/Poster Presentation (in Japanese)


1. Payment of fee

Please pay the registration fee by bank transfer (by September 25*, 2015) for pre-registration.

【Registration fee】


Pre-registration before
September 25, 2015

On-site registration
by cash








JCRS member
















JCRS member










Name of Bank: JP Bank
Type of account: Transfer account
Account Number: 00150-5-602256
Account Name: 日本サンゴ礁学会第18回大会実行委員会
Necessary information: Name, Affiliation, , Telephone, E-mail address
Participants can pay together if they wish. In this case, please write all necessary information for all participants.
Oversea applicants who have difficulties with paying the registration fee through bank transfer can pay the fee on-site. Please contact us by e-mail (jcrs18th@gmail.com).
All JCRS members can participate in JCRS18 for a reduced fee (see above). To join the JCRS, please contact the JCRS General Office.

2. Submission of participant registration information

Pre-registration will open from August 3 to September 25. Please register through the following website by September 25. ⇒ Pre-registration was finished.

Registration form

You can fill out and submit your Participant Registration Information on the registration form.

If you are interested in presenting a talk or poster you can indicate your intentions. All presenters must be members of JCRS. Due to limited time and space, all participants can have either one oral or poster presentation for one participant. The Organizing Committee has the privilege to decide the form of presentation for all participants. You may be asked to change the presentation form depending upon the number of presentation applications. The presentations with similar or highly-overlapped contents by the same research group should be avoided. If you join at a “Theme Session” you must get some information from the convener and then fill out and submit your form. Non-JCRS members can also join at a “Theme Session” without the registration fee.

Abstract Format

Please follow the layout guidelines below.

Paper size: A4 (1 sheet), top and bottom margins 3 cm, left and right margins 2.5cm.

Title: Arial font, 14 pt, centered

Second line: All authors’ names, Times New Roman font, 12 pt, centered. Please indicate the presenter with an open circle (○). Middle name should be initialed.
Third line: Affiliations (Abbreviation would be recommended), Times New Roman, 10 pt, centered.
Fourth line: Keywords (1-2 words and less than 5 keywords), Times New Roman, 10 pt, centered.

From fifth line: Abstract, Times New Roman, 12 pt, full-justified

Other details: Figures and tables can be included with abstracts.

Please ensure that any unusual fonts or symbols can be read properly in the PDF file format before sending files. Please send both the PDF file and the original Word file by e-mail.

Abstract submission

Please submit abstracts by October 15, 2015 to the Organizing Committee by e-mail (jcrs18th@gmail.com) with PDF attachment (must arrive by the deadline).
The Abstract format template (Word file) can be downloaded here. Please paste your abstract on this form, convert it to a PDF file, and send it to the Organizing Committee by e-mail with attachment.

E-mail: jcrs18th@gmail.com
Please label the subject of the e-mail as “jcrs18abstract”

All presenters must be members of JCRS.
For oral presentations, 15 minutes are allotted, including presentation and discussion.
A digital projector will be supplied for oral presentation.
For poster presentations, posters should be prepared within a panel size of 85 cm in width and 175 cm in height.

Presentation Award for Young Scientists
(for JCRS members under 35 years old)

The organizing committee will give an award for to young JCRS members, who were judged to have excellent presentations (poster presentation only). If you would like to enter this contest, please declare so in the registration form.
